Introduction to the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Overview of the Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Monitoring using the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Alarm Management on the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Vital Signs Trending with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Manual Defibrillation with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
AED Operation with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Using the Q- CPR Meter with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Synchronized Cardioversion with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Non-Invasive Transcutaneous Pacing with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator
Data Management Transmission with the HeartStart Intrepid monitor/defibrillator