Five pregnancy safe workouts  


Staying fit and active during pregnancy has lots of benefits, from soothing aches and
pains, to improved sleep, and even reducing your stress. Exercising during your
pregnancy is not only safe, it’s recommended, and a great way to prepare for the
ultimate workout, labour!


Five pregnancy safe workouts you can start today:


1) Walk it off


Shake off the stresses of the day with a brisk walk. Just 30 minutes a day can raise your heartbeat, reduce stress and improve your fitness.

2) Take a dip


Relax with a swim. This fun but effective full body workout, uses water to gently support your weight, without putting pressure on your joints.

3) Practice ball control


Make your birthing ball part of your daily routine. There’s load of great exercises you can do. Sway, bounce, or gently rotate your hips in a figure of eight motion to a fitter moreflexible you.

4) Stretch out with prenatal yoga


Join a prenatal yoga class to connect with local mums, whilst improving your flexibility, strength and stability to support the changing needs of your new body.

5) Improve your strength with prenatal Pilates


Try out an online class or home workout. Pilates is a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, preparing your for labour and supporting a quick recovery.


Written by Team Health & Parenting

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