Waiting to feel your baby kick for the first time can be an exciting, but anxious time. Your little one will begin to move from around week 8 but they’ll need to pack on the pounds before you can feel those tiny first nudges and kicks.
It’s common to notice your baby move for the first time around 18-20 weeks but you could feel them move earlier, or later, depending on the position of your placenta and if this is your first pregnancy.
Your baby’s first movements can feel like air bubbles or butterflies in your stomach,so it’s easy to mistake them for something else. As your baby grows bigger and stronger, their tiny somersaults will be replaced with some very deliberate kicks, as they stretch out to get comfortable.
Your baby will alternate between lots of activity and rest. Their schedules often don’tfollow your own, and you may find they decide to wake up and practice their acrobatics, just as you lay down to sleep. Feeling your baby move for the first time can make your pregnancy feel more real. It’s a great chance to bond with your baby, as they respond to your voice and touch. This is also a great time for partners, friends and family to bond with your bump, andfeel those precious kicks.
Yes. Over time you’ll start to recognise your baby’s usual pattern of movements, from somersaults after breakfast, to an afternoon lull as your movement rocks themto sleep.
Our in-app Kick Counter can help you quickly and simply count your baby’s movements to help you learn their usual routine.
From 28 weeks, Doctors and midwives recommend that you start monitoring your baby’s movements and discuss any changes with your healthcare provider.
Any changes to your baby’s usual movements, whether an increase or decrease, should be discussed with your healthcare provider straight away. Please don’t wait until your next appointment. Written by Team Health & Parenting
By discussing any concerns, you can receive the support and advice you need to put your mind at rest.
You may be asked to come in for monitoring, if so, this is very common. They’ll listen to your baby’s heartbeat and you may be offered a scan to check the position of your baby. In most cases, everything is fine but it’s always best to check.
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